Judicial Poll

Your Voice in Shaping the Judicial System

At TCBA, we believe that your voice matters when it comes to shaping the judicial system. That’s why we offer the Judicial Poll, providing you with an opportunity to express your feedback and evaluations on judicial candidates. By participating in the poll, you contribute to a more transparent and accountable judiciary that aligns with the values and aspirations of our community.

The Judicial Poll promotes transparency and accountability by allowing the public to assess the qualifications, character, and performance of judicial candidates. Your vote and insights contribute to the selection of judges who will serve with integrity and uphold the principles of justice. We understand the importance of informed decision-making, which is why the poll provides valuable information about the candidates’ backgrounds, experience, and judicial philosophies. By accessing this information, you can make well-informed choices that reflect your values and expectations.

Our commitment to Diversity and Representation

At TCBA, we are committed to promoting diversity and representation within the judicial system. The Judicial Poll encourages individuals from all backgrounds to participate, ensuring that different communities and perspectives are heard and considered. We maintain a transparent and well-structured process to ensure fairness and integrity. While the poll provides important feedback, it is crucial to protect judicial independence, allowing judges to dispense justice impartially and without bias.


Your participation in the Judicial Poll is crucial in shaping the future of the judicial system in Trumbull County. By actively engaging in the poll, you influence the composition of the judiciary and contribute to a legal system that reflects the values and aspirations of our community. Together, let’s build a stronger and more inclusive legal community that represents the diverse needs and values of our society.