the future of

legal communication
and information

Embrace the Future of Legal Communication

In the dynamic world of law and technology, the Trumbull County Bar Association (TCBA) stands as a beacon of innovation, providing legal professionals with unparalleled access to cutting-edge resources and comprehensive support. We welcome you to our new and improved website, a gateway to the exciting realm where law meets technology.

Empowering Legal Professionals with Online Connectivity

At TCBA, we understand that the digital age has transformed the legal landscape, and we believe in harnessing the power of technology to enhance your legal practice and performance. Our website serves as your online connection, your “link” to a world of opportunities, fostering efficient communication, extensive research easy access to vital information and continuing legal education. We are committed to ensuring that no legal professional is left standing alone in the face of this digital

Inspired by Visionary Legal Minds

Our journey into the realm of online legal services was ignited by a visionary lawyer who recognized the profound impact of computer technology on the practice of law. Committed to ensuring that TCBA members are at the forefront of this transformative wave, we developed a suite of tools and resources to facilitate your internet travel and empower your legal journey.

Efficiency and Accessibility at the Core

At TCBA, we embrace technological advancements that promise efficiency and accessibility. Our association stands as a firm advocate for the seamless integration of technology into legal practice, as we understand the immense benefits it offers. By providing a user-friendly and intuitive online platform, we strive to equip legal professionals with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-evolving legal landscape.

Services we provide

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) is an essential component of professional growth and development for attorneys and judges in the State of Ohio. TCBA recognizes the significance of remaining up-to-date with the ever-evolving legal framework. Our CLE courses offer a diverse range of educational opportunities, equipping you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your practice and maintain good standing in the legal profession.

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) is an essential component of professional growth and development for attorneys and judges in the State of Ohio. TCBA recognizes the significance of remaining up-to-date with the ever-evolving legal framework. Our CLE courses offer a diverse range of educational opportunities, equipping you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your practice and maintain good standing in the legal profession.

Locating the right attorney for your specific legal needs can be challenging and confusing. At TCBA, we understand the importance of finding the right legal expertise tailored to your unique requirements. Our Referral System serves as a valuable resource, connecting individuals with experienced attorneys who specialize in their specific areas of law. We are here to provide guidance, ensuring that you receive the assistance you need for your legal matters.

The TCBA Grievance Committee comprises esteemed local attorneys, judges, and magistrates who uphold the highest ethical standards in the legal profession. We take allegations of wrongdoing seriously and are dedicated to investigating complaints against attorneys in Trumbull County. Our committee ensures fairness and justice while maintaining the integrity of the legal system. Rest assured, your trust in the legal profession remains our priority.

In a thriving democracy, the voice of the people plays a crucial role in shaping the judicial system. At TCBA, we value your opinions and believe in fostering transparency and accountability. Through our Judicial Poll, we provide a platform for you to express your feedback and evaluations on judicial candidates. Your participation in the poll helps ensure that our legal system reflects the values and aspirations of our community.

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS.   Applications to the Trumbull County Bar Association are available on line. Just click this link and print.

CONFERENCE ROOM.  The Bar Association conference room is available for meetings, depositions, etc.  To reserve the room for your activity, or if you have any questions, please contact the Bar Association Office (330) 675-2415 or e-mail [email protected].  The conference room is located in the Lower Level, Law Library, 120 High Street, NW, Warren, Ohio.

LEGAL SEMINARS.   Seminars are offered locally to attorneys toward their requirements. For the current schedule click here If you would like to receive your seminar notices and other Bar notices by e-mail, please contact the Bar to become a member!

PROCESS GRIEVANCES.  The grievance committee consists of 22 people. Grievances must be on TCBA form and submitted to Bar office against an attorney or judge for violating the code of conduct. An investigator is appointed by the Grievance chairman. For a copy of the form please contact the Bar Association at [email protected], leaving your name, address and telephone number.

ATTORNEY REFERRAL.   The Bar association maintains a list of attorneys and their specialties. For anyone interested in a referral to an attorney, please contact the bar association through [email protected] or 330-675-2415. You may also leave feedback, suggestions, or evaluations about the referral program by contacting the bar by the aforementioned methods.

FEE DISPUTE RESOLUTION.   Fee disputes may be submitted to the Bar office on a TCBA form. An arbitration is scheduled if both parties agree

PUBLIC SPEAKING– The attorneys on this committee will speak to the schools on Career day or at a teachers request.

For further information or if you need to contact us call (330)675-2415.

Our website serves as a dynamic hub of information, updated regularly with the latest legal news, articles, and insights. Stay informed about groundbreaking legal developments, legislative changes, and notable cases through our news section. Engage in discussions, share your perspectives, and connect with fellow legal professionals through our interactive forums and community features.

Stay Informed
and Engaged


We value your feedback, suggestions, and comments. Our website provides multiple channels for you to connect with us, ensuring that your voice is heard. Whether you have questions about our services, seek guidance, or wish to contribute to the legal community, we encourage you to reach out to us. Together, we can foster a thriving legal ecosystem in Trumbull County.

Unlock a World of Opportunities

Membership in TCBA opens doors to a host of exclusive benefits and opportunities. By becoming a member, you gain access to our extensive network of legal professionals, enabling meaningful connections and collaborations. Take advantage of specialized training programs, networking events, and professional development resources tailored to your specific needs. Join TCBA today and unlock a world of opportunities for your legal career.